home - Masood Medleri Khatteb
Masood Medleri Khateeb
مسعود مدلري الخطيب
m. Pharm
College of Pharmacy
Masters in Pharmacology from @NU | Lecturer. mmkhateeb@nu.edu.sa | Research Interest Neuropharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology: Cancer

المؤهلات العلمية
Master In Pharmacology
More than 1o years
التخصصات والمهارات
Pharmacology, preclinical area, scintific writing, scintific data analysis, handling of simulated software programs for preclinical research
الدورات التدربية
Training program entitled “Standards of Quality of Electronic Learning”, Deanship of Quality Assurance and Accreditation, Najran University, 14-15 October 2016.
الأبحاث العلمية
- Basel A. Abdel-Wahab, Ibrahim A Shaikh, Masood M Khateeb, Shafiuddin M Habeeb. Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids enhance the protective effect of levetiracetam against seizures, cognitive impairment and hippocampal oxidative DNA damage in young kindled rats. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior (2015),135:105-113.
- Samy Ismail Ahmed, Aamir Magzoub, Mohammed Saeed Zayed Al-Ayed, Gamal Ali Attia, Basel A. Abdel-Wahab, Masood M. Khateeb, Asim M. Abdalla, Heitham M. Mohammed, Aymen N. Eldeen A. Elkareem, and Ali Gadkarim A. Salih. Gestational Exposure to Synthetic Steroid Hormones Impaired Sperm Quantity and Quality in Wistar Rats. Volume 2020. International Journal of Endocrinology https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/1814867.
- Alkahtani SA, Alshabi AM, Basel A. Abdel-Wahab, Aljadaan A, Shaikh IA, Khateeb MK, Habeeb MS. Enhanced antinociceptive activity of Nigella sativa oil after its combined treatment with Honey in rats. Accepted in press http://www.pjps.pk/future-issue/ 2020
- Farheen Rahman, M. Z. A. Rafiquee, Elham S. Aazam, Ali Mohamed Alshabi, S. M. Shakeel Iqubal, Aejaz Abdullatif Khan, Tasneem Mohammed, Areej Dawoud, Ibrahim Ahmed Shaikh, Muazzam Sheriff Maqbul, Masood Medleri Khateeb. Determination of Rate of Release of Dye from the Hydrogels using Spectrophotometer Studies. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2020. (SCOPUS- Emerging sources of citation index-Web of sciences)
- Muazzam Sheriff Maqbul, Ali Mohamed Alshabi, Aejaz Abdullatif Khan, S. M. Shakeel Iqubal, Tasneem Mohammed, Kayamkani Abedulla Khan, Abdul Rahman Ikbal, Ibrahim Ahmed Shaikh, Areej Dawoud, Muaadh Badr Saeed, Masood Medleri Khateeb. Efficacy of Ferula Caspica Dried Sap by Extracting its Essential Oil Against the Clinical Yeast Isolates of Candida Albicans, 2020. (SCOPUS- Emerging sources of citation index-Web of sciences)
- Combined Treatment of ?-Lipoic acid and Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Mitigates Acetic Acid-Induced Colitis in Rats through Regulating Antioxidant Defenses, NF-?? Signal Transduction, and Inflammatory Cytokine Profile. Ali Mohamed ALSHABI, Basel A. ABDEL-WAHAB & Masood Medleri KHATEEB. 2021.
- Piclamilast mitigates 1,2-dimethylhydrazine induced colon cancer in rats through modulation of Ras/PI3K/Akt/mTOR and NF-?? signaling. Basel A.Abdel-Wahabab. Hussain Alqhtanic Ismail. Walbi Hassan. Albarqi Adel M.Aljadaan Masood M.Khateeb Emad H.M.Hassaneinf. 2021
- Phytochemicals from Corchorus olitorius methanolic extract induce apoptotic cell death via activation of caspase-3, anti-Bcl-2 activity, and DNA degradation in breast and lung cancer cell lines. Ali MohamedAlshabiaSaad AhmedAlkahtaniaIbrahim AhmedShaikhbMohamed A.A.OrabicBasel A.Abdel-WahabbIsmail A.WalbiaMohammed S.HabeebbMasood MedleriKhateebb Joy H.HoskeridArun K.ShettareSyed Mohammed Basheeruddin Asdaq. 2022
- In Vitro Cytotoxicity and Spectral Analysis-Based Phytochemical Profiling of Methanol Extract of Barleria hochstetteri, and Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Its Apoptosis-Inducing Effect on Breast and Lung Cancer Cell Lines. Saad Ahmed Alkahtani,Ali Mohamed Alshabi,Ibrahim Ahmed Shaikh,Mohamed A. A. Orabi,Basel A. Abdel-Wahab ,Ismail A. Walbi ,Mohammed Shafiuddin Habeeb, Masood Medleri Khateeb, Arun K. Shettar 4 andJoy H. Hoskeri 5. 2022
- Apoptotic Cell Death via Activation of DNA Degradation, Caspase-3 Activity, and Suppression of Bcl-2 Activity: An Evidence-Based Citrullus colocynthis Cytotoxicity Mechanism toward MCF-7 and A549 Cancer Cell Lines. Ibrahim Ahmed Shaikh,Ali Mohamed Alshabi,Saad Ahmed Alkahtani,Mohamed A. A. Orabi,Basel A. Abdel-Wahab,Ismail A. Walbi,Mohammed Shafiuddin Habeeb,Masood Medleri Khateeb, Arun K. Shettar andJoy H. Hoskeri . 2022
- ribulus terrestris Cytotoxicity against Breast Cancer MCF-7 and Lung Cancer A549 Cell Lines Is Mediated via Activation of Apoptosis, Caspase-3, DNA Degradation, and Suppressing Bcl-2 Activity.
Ali Mohamed Alshabi,Saad Ahmed Alkahtani,Ibrahim Ahmed Shaikh,Mohamed A. A. Orabi,Basel A. Abdel-Wahab,Ismail A. Walbi 1,Mohammed Shafiuddin Habeeb ,Masood Medleri Khateeb,Arun K. Shettar andJoy H. Hoskeri . 2022 - Saad A Alkahtani, Ali Mohamed Alshabi, Basel A Abdel-Wahab, Adel Aljadaan, Ibrahim Ahmed Shaikh, Masood Medleri Khateeb, Mohammed Shafiuddin Habeeb. Enhanced antinociceptive activity of Nigella sativa oil after its combined treatment with honey in rats. Pak J Pharm Sci. 2022 Jan;35(1):1-8. 2022
المقررات التدرسية
Pharmacology-1 theory
Toxicology theory and Practical
Medicine level 8 boys theory and practical
الساعات المكتبية
8-9 | 9-10 | 10-11 | 11-12 | 12-1 | 1-2 | |
الأحد Sunday |
Acaedemic Hours | Office Hours | Toxicology Practical (PHCL-445) | Office Hours | Office Hours | Office Hours |
الاثنين Monday |
Acaedemic Hours | Office hours | Toxicology Practical (PHCL-445) | Toxicology Practical (PHCL-445) | Office Hours | Office Hours |
الثلاثاء Tuesday |
Acaedemic Hours | Research Hours | Medicine level 8 Boys Theory | Medicine level 8 Boys Theory | Studnet Councelling | Office Hours |
الأربعاء Wednesday |
Acaedemic Hours | Research Hours | Studnet Councelling | Studnet Councelling | Office Hours | student councelling |
ميس Thursday |
Office Hours | Office Hours | Medicine level 8 Boys practical | Medicine level 8 Boys practical | Office Hours |